
Showing posts from September, 2010

Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns : A Biased Review

LP seems to have lost out...A Thousand Suns : a mixture of genres , album looks dumb at comes out of a computers rather than the earlier LP style songs...this album includes hip hop, ballads thats not what LP is famous for...:(:( some songs ok..they tired new sounds...but seemed to have mocked up onerepublic , chris martin, some punjabi beats in certain tracks but with a touch of LP....they are the guys who introduced nu metal, rap rock , all seems to have vanished in the new album...but on the other side they have matured, experimented, and changed.They moved on to more imp stuff.. anger, poverty, war,life, death, inequality...thats wat M2M was about and that is ATS about.. they have grown with amazing political lyrics and music..hats off.. i wish i could write about each song of theirs ,but no time now...