
Showing posts from January, 2011

Follow These For A Perfect Life

(*)Do your 10th boards well and your life will be set. (*)Do your 12th boards well and your life will be set. (*)Do your CET, AIEEE, JEE etc. well and your life will be set. (*)Maintain a decent aggregate in college and your life will be set. (*)Do your CAT, GMAT,GRE ,GATE etc. well and your life will be set. (*)Get a decent job and your life will be set. (*)Marry a nice girl or boy from a 'good'(READ:same religion, caste ) family, settle down(READ: pay your bills, file your returns, have a 9 to 5 job) have kids(READ:Err...just do your best :P) and your life will be set. But stray away from any of these 'goals', for whatever reason and by however small a margin and you wont stop hearing about every other person that has 'goals' and is 'career-oriented'. Life is so damn difficult guys! Don't let peer pressure get the best of you :) Disclaimer: This one is borrowed up and modified to the interests of my readers.