
Showing posts from November, 2017

Disturbed Ramblings

When did we grow up?   Suddenly, my friend decides to drop a bomb on me. He says he is getting hitched. I was like. What!! We were taking an Ola to airport and I’m a flying virgin. And he decides marriage. How do we make such decisions? We are just 27 years young. And !! what do I say.      Now that I’ve lived 27 years on this planet, does that qualify me as an adult is it. Isn’t there supposed to be an exam wherein we must secure a distinction to graduate as a responsible adult. I mean, that’s how we have grown up, right!! When did this change?  Who changed the rules? Ah, never mind, guess we are adults now. We have adult things to do. Like getting married. Paying bills, lookout for a residential home, buy diapers, manage finances, open RD/FD. This list is never exhausting.     So, when did this transformation happen? When did I grow up? Have I? What kind of changes are those? Does a senior/lead in your job title make you feel grown up and responsible? No Right? Is it the