1st blog:

Hey I am sourabh, never interacted with the virtual world other than through networking sites and messengers. Since I heard about blogs that was like some 3-4 years ago I was interested in having one for me. So this is it. I don’t know what took me say 4 years to write a blog when the internet industry was booming and it was so easily accessible. I just don’t know why. Ok forget that, as they say well begun is half done , and now that I have setup my blog I hope I’ll be regular in my blog postings.
Basically I am an engineering student doing an undergraduate course in computer science in bengalooru (I prefer Bangalore). That’s pretty much me I have not done anything big in my life other than the bachelors degree I’ll be hoping to get in the next two years. I am mainly from Chennai but a kannadiga, who knows just to speak the language, and I can amazingly deal with most of the major south Indian languages and of course I know Hindi as I learnt it for like the first 10 years of my schooling. And since my blogs is printed in English I believe that I know English. Yes I accept the fact that this was a PJ. Yap I like pjing. Probably one thing you people have to handle with care. And I like sarcastic humor. Well I don’t know what to tell about that might be as my blogging goes on you ll surely understand that.
I am a kinda reserved person that means I rarely hangout. So there’s no possibility u ll find me at Fuga. Ha ha but I am more of a party animal when let loose. And I can go about without eating my regular meals but I need my dose of music. Coz music is one drug I am addicted to. I listen to rock, metal, rap, hip hop, pop, punk. It’s mainly that the song should keep me pumped up for a well 5 min. But one thing is that jazz makes me sleep. But then there s exception in all cases so I like Kenny G, for those who don’t know him; he is a famous American saxophonist. I do listen to Hindi film music. I listen to anything sung by Kishore da, he is my all time fav, and then there’s ARR, Javed Ali, Neeraj Sridhar, Mohit chouhan and many more. I rarely listen to songs sung by ladies.
Hope it’s a good medium to share the things I usually don’t talk about.
Bye Bye fellow bloggers…I hope you have a pleasant time on my blog….Happy Diwali…


  1. The way u have started blogging is awesome but why didnt u continued?

  2. he he...thanks...ive written...but just not been regular...


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