Google+ Vs Facebook

On 30th June released another social network. No No not the Mark Zuckerberg movie. A real social network. Named Google +. With this release Google the giant is trying again to invade the social networking market. This time with Google+. It’s implicitly means Google + you. By you they mean you, your relationships, and your interests. So last time they did it with Orkut. When Orkut was released the market already had so many social networks like MySpace, Hi5, Friendster etc. but this time around there is only one dominant player in the market. It’s Facebook!!
So what is special about Google+? Can it give Facebook a run for its money and user connections?
Technically seeing Google+ is nothing but integration of some existing Google services into a social network format. The only new feature that is found is Hangouts. So its clear Google+ is just like Facebook. Yeah to an extent yes. What makes Google+ a better social network is its user interface design. It looks very simple to use and so is. Apart from this the status updates, posts etc. are shown as “Stream” which is similar to Facebook’s “Wall”. Google had already launched the “+1” button as an add-on to many sites and the Google search. This feature is similar to Facebook’s “Like” button. So anything you “+1” will be recommended to your friends, even the search results. The concept of circles in Google+ is just the same as friends group in Facebook. The only advantage here for Google is its graphical interface. One can drag and drop friends. And in Facebook it’s difficult to separate friends group and setting privacy setting.
Though with the launch of Google+, the internet search engine giant tries again to put a foot on the social network market , it dint bring in much new features except for “sparks” and “hangout”. Sparks is similar to newsfeed in Facebook, but here it lets you choose your interests and feeds you with information related to that. And the sole absolutely new feature about Google+ is hangout. It is nothing but a video chat application. It allows at max 10 people to join a video chat same time and without invitation.
I know it’s too early to speculate when it comes to Google. But with just one new feature to pull the crowd from Facebook is a mighty task. So what can work in favor of Google is its integration of all major services into Google+, its privacy settings is what people trust more. But I highly doubt Facebook will keep quiet as MasterMind Mark Zuckerberg will announce something awesome next week and why not!! He is now worth more that Google founders Page and Brin.
A small step by Google and hopefully a giant leap by Facebook.


  1. one strongest reason why google+ may beat fb is that google has given no other option to the google users. fb has fb users. but g+ has gmail, picasa, google docs, and all the other google users. the top bar includes notification and sharing options. u get this bar everywhere on every google product...

  2. yeah initially i thought so google is implicitly forcing its users to become more social and human with google+. but check out the account settings they have options google takeout that ll allow you to download all your information in zip format to your hdd. and then there is option for deleting your profile and associated social features...there you more google+

  3. hmm... yeah :) lets see what happens. if facebook is coming wid a video chat powered by skype, then maybe it ll beat google hangout.

  4. oh yeah ...on anyday skype is way far awesome than week lets see what is in store :)

  5. Well summed up article. After my two days with Google+, it seems Google is really good at creating hypes!

  6. well this time it is ready for serious .. the hype seems to be workin..

  7. Hangout is nowhere compared to FB's skype video chat bcoz hangout is for group of ppl but FB's video chat is one to one. One to one chat is there in gmail from long back. FB is just copying the features of Google. Firstly a group text chat and now video chat. Right when applications start to come in G+, FB should surely rest in peace.

  8. ha ha:) hangout is potentially a awkward feature :) and more over it all depends on the kinda applications to be launched:) ifSimilar to fb then i don think its gonna be working for Google :)

    hey new feature of facebook :)
    embed video ,photo , url in comments :) cool na :)ha ha:) hangout is potentially a awkward feature :) and more over it all depends on the kinda applications to be launched:) ifSimilar to fb then i don think its gonna be working for Google :)

    hey new feature of facebook :)
    embed video ,photo , url in comments :) cool na :)


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