Missing Moments....

      While joining my college for graduation  , I got my first mobile phone , a Radio enabled phone. I was hooked to it. Since then music became a much more integral part of me than it was before.Later came in my life a mp3 phone. And came with it 1GB card . I soon got it loaded with all my favorites. Its been almost 5yrs music changed , track lists expanded, 1GB was replaced with 8GB cards. Low cost headphones replaced with HD Sound ear-buds. But one thing dint change, the craze for listening to music.

     Its amazing how the very music seems to have taken a back seat in my life nowadays. I wonder is it because of my job !! My 8GB card is empty since 2weeks and i am not able to fill it up with my track lists. My ear-buds lie on my bed waiting to be picked up.I've became lazy i guess. Personally for me , ill have to scan through almost 80GB of my song collections and stream it down to my 8GB card. Hard-work you see. So I've been traveling through the bustling city without my music. Its like i don't listen to music at all.  

   Music is just a example. A lot changes once you start behaving like a professional you see. The carefree graduate in a tee and jeans transforms in no time to a diplomatic looking formals suited professional. ( Not true when you are around your gang of friends :P somethings never change i believe ). Things just start drifting away. That weekend you planed to visit pondicherry never materializes.The fun ends when the cigarette butt get stamped by your leather shoes.We suddenly don't find time to send the GM/GN messages.We assume the fact that people are busy with their own lives/jobs that a simple GM/GN might not matter a lot. Probably it does. But we are lazy. We believe assumption is a better thing to do.

  The daily meeting with your girlfriend reduces to just a five minutes walk . The movie marathon Saturdays no more exist.The mobile is no more used for long chat with friends.The software like MS Excel and Powerpoint are more often used rather than VLC mediaplayer or winamp. Things change and so are we susceptible to change . But among all these , one can always find small happiness.

  Happiness usually comes in small packages. They come your way daily. Watch out. Never end up being a horse with blinders.

   We live for those moments. The moment when your GF hugs in public and says i love you. And you end up asking why, instead of saying I love you too. She responds just felt like. The moment when you listen to the local radio playing your favorite song while returning back home from a tiring day. The moment when you meet your friends and talk for 10 minutes in the lobby.The moment you wake up in morning to find a GM msg in your inbox from a friend.The moment you scan through your HDD and find old college snaps. 

   All such small moments leads to a happiness. A happiness that always put a silent smile on your face. Look out for small happiness. Look out for your moments Cherish your moments. never miss them :)

zzzz GN Folks


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  2. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.


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